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Navigating 360 Feedback: 10 Insider Tips for Effective Reviews
Have you ever dived into something and wished someone had given you a heads up on what to expect? That's exactly how I felt after my first 360-degree feedback assessment. In my Forbes article, “Navigating 360 Feedback: 10 Insider Tips For Effective Reviews” I put together a toolbox full of unique, not-so-obvious tips I wish I had back when I first began using 360s.
These tips will apply whether you are conducting the 360 or you're the one being reviewed. As an executive coach, I’ve guided dozens of folks through this process.
I’ll cut through the jargon and make this journey smooth for you. Let’s dive into my ten tips. You can read the entire article here.
Mastering Personal Change: A 6-Step Blueprint
This article outlines a comprehensive six-step approach to mastering personal change. Each step is backed by real-world examples and insights I’ve gained from my coaching practice, where I've witnessed individuals triumph over obstacles and achieve profound personal growth. I emphasize the importance of self-awareness, goal-setting, and resilience in this transformative journey.
If you're embarking on a path of personal change, this article will give you valuable guidance from someone who has walked this path with countless individuals. Gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate and succeed in the realm of personal transformation by reading "Mastering Personal Change: A 6-Step Blueprint."
Coach-Like Leadership
The fastest way to becoming a better leader is to embrace being more ‘coach-like’. It’s redirecting your energy from pushing your agenda and providing answers and advice to developing those around you. More specifically, it’s the goal of creating more leaders around you!